Cultural and Linguistic Competence
Cultural and Linguistic Competence: A Curriculum for Early Educators (CLC) The curriculum was developed by Ready At Five in partnership with Georgetown University’s Center for Child and Human Development, National Center for Cultural Competence. According to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), over 160 languages are spoken in Maryland public schools. Through a series of six sessions that include case studies, role playing, hands-on practice, and cross-sharing, participants learn effective practices and activities that promote culturally and linguistically appropriate classroom and parent-child learning interactions.
The sessions of the CLC curriculum are designed to:
Raise awareness and understanding of the importance of the early years and techniques for working with ELLs;
Improve access to information and resources that promote quality early learning experiences;
Improve the knowledge and credentials of early educators;
Heighten the quality of early education programs; and
Improve collaboration among a child’s first teachers.
Please send an email to info@readyatfive.org for more information.