PEEP and the Big Wide World
The importance of STEM in the early years is increasingly clear. High quality science experiences connect young children to technology, engineering, and mathematics and lay a foundation for science interest and learning later in school. They also support higher-level thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills and create a rich context for literacy learning and social skills development.
To support STEM in early childhood classrooms across the state, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Division of Early Childhood Development (DECD) and Ready At Five, are project managing a professional development program centered on the quality science teaching and learning resources of PEEP and the Big Wide World (www.peepandthebigwideworld.com). The PEEP program will support early childhood teachers who teach children 4 or 5 years of age and directors who are motivated to improve the science teaching and learning in their classrooms and programs.