Professional Development
Empowering early care and education professionals to deliver the highest quality learning experiences.
Cultural and Linguistic Competence: A Curriculum for Early Educators (CLC)
Hands on training designed to expand early educators’ cultural and linguistic knowledge, skills and competence to promote effective classroom and parent-child interactions and improve school readiness for Maryland’s English Language Learner (ELL) student population. Learn more
Institutes For Early Educators
The Institute for Early Educators program offers a unique and ongoing strategy for PreK teachers and early care and education professionals to develop and expand their STEM and Math Practices skills and knowledge. Learn more
Learning Parties
Through interactive, hands-on, parent/child engagements, Learning Parties teach parents how to make everyday moments meaningful learning moments in order to help their young children develop school readiness skills. Learn more
PEEP and the Big Wide World
To champion science, technology, engineering and mathematics—STEM—experiences in early childhood classrooms across the state, The PEEP and the Big Wide World program supports early childhood teachers who teach children 4 or 5 years of age and directors who are committed to science teaching and learning in their classrooms and programs. Learn more
Through the power and joy of stories, The Vocabulary Improvement and Oral Language Enrichment through Stories (VIOLETS) early childhood curriculum is designed to help young children ages 3-5 and those with low expressive language skills, develop oral language and pre-literacy skills. Learn more